Gun Charges in Dayton
Gun charges are taken very seriously in all courts in Ohio. Although it is legal to own a gun, there are a number of laws regulating ownership of a gun. Often the difference between obeying the gun laws and disobeying them is very small. For example, it is legal to have a gun in your car. However, it becomes illegal when the gun is loaded and is within easy access to the driver. Also, it is legal to carry a gun on your person; however, if it is concealed then it becomes illegal.
In addition, if you have been convicted of certain felonies, you are prohibited from not only owning a gun but even being around guns. This is called being “under disability” and is a third degree felony.
There are a large variety of gun charges in Ohio. Although there are some misdemeanor charges, most are felonies. Many people are not familiar with all the gun laws in Ohio and get charged with a felony as a result. If you have been charged with any type of gun-related crime, contact Kane Law Offices immediately. A gun-related felony on your record can have serious consequences.
Call Kane Law Offices at (937) 887-4700.